Thousands Under 90Because You Know You Deserve an Award
Are you a creative person that constantly submits to competitions but never gets in? Are you over 30 and bummed that you missed your chance to be a 20 under 30? or a 30 under 40? or some other random number under some other random number? Well here’s an award for you. If you think you deserve an award, fill in your name and your job title and you’ll be given an award. Then you can put “award winning designer” or whatever on your resumé.
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Don’t Fear the InternetTeaching HTML and CSS to Non-Web Designers
Are you a print designer, photographer, fine-artist, or general creative person? Do you have a shitty website that you slapped together yourself in Dreamweaver in that ONE web design class that you took in college? Do you not have a site at all because you’ve been waiting two years for your cousin to put it together for you? Well, we’re here to help. Don’t Fear the Internet is a series of humorous and succinct web tutorials to help even the most code-fearing individuals conquer the internet.
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Should I Work for Free?A handy and humorous flow chart
As a young designer (or any aged designer really), there are a lot of people that try to push you to do free work with the empty promise of exposure. I made this handy chart to help you figure out when working for free is justifiable and when clients should be showering you in cash.
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Mom, This is How Twitter WorksAn simple and relatable explanation of twitter.
So I wasn't trying to make some sort of political statement about women in technology when I made this really fun and really useful website—it actually was originally intended for my mom, the most tech-savvy person I know over 50. While twitter seems a very simple service, it’s actually quite nuanced. I see people misuse @ replies all the time, accidentally airing their dirty laundry to the world. This little explanation does a lot to help explain how to use twitter, using a conversation between myself, my mom, my brother, and my cat, as an example.
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Inker LinkerFind an awesome printer.
As a letterpress loving designer, I’m asked all the time to recommend printers. While it might be easy to find a printer, finding the right printer for your job usually involves a mix of friend recommendations and blind luck. That’s where Inker Linker steps in. Find printers based on what they do best or what’s most important to you—whether you’re looking to save some cash or find someone with as keen an eye as your crazy perfectionist self.
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Quotes & AccentsNo more googling “café” to copy paste the letter e
Quotation marks, accented characters, and dashes—we all need to use them but hardly any of us know how to type them. Here is a brief guide of how to quickly type smart quotes and accented characters (and dashes) on a Mac complete with occasionally humorous examples.
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Daily Drop CapAn illustrative initial cap, every day
In September of 2009, I started a little project that ended up having a dramatic impact on my career. For 12 alphabets, I illustrated a letter per day and posted them online for others’ viewing pleasure. At the peak of the project, the site was receiving more than 100,000 visitors per month. The project has since ended, but I’m left with a wonderful collection of images that are available for licensing. Lovely letterpress prints of the letters are available through my store.
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52x52Donate to charity every week for one year
52x52 is not a charity, it’s a group of people committed to helping others. Every week, highlights a different charity and call on you, those willing and happy to help others, to donate directly to that charity. Don’t feel like donating to one of the featured charities for whatever reason? No problem. Donate to a cause you love. The charities featured are suggestions and since there is no money collected through the site, you’re free to donate to whomever you wish. 52x52 is a messenger, not a middle-man. If $52 is too much for you to commit to give, donate $25. If $25 is too much, donate $10. Give whatever you can, each and every week for one year, and together we will make a giant difference.
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